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Barbara Busi Coaching

Certified transformational coach offering a unique model on an international scale to help you to find fulfillment and joy in your professional life.

Free your A.I.M.
Free your aim
"The best thing you can do for the whole world is to make the most of yourself."
Wallace D. Wattles

Are you...

Good at what you are doing...
Comfortable and stable in your career,
it does not satisfy your deepest values?
Stuck in a career that you have chosen due to the influence of your environment (friends, family, etc.) and you would like to break free...
you do not know how?
About to start your first job
Looking for more passion and meaning in your current job
you wonder how to find it?
you have the feeling it is not what you are meant to be doing?
you do not know which path to choose?
Many of us struggle with these questions, or similar challenges and would like to change the situation to find our vocation in life in order to have a more meaningful profession. But they do not know where to start the journey.

Sounds familiar?

Free your A.I.M. and
find fulfillment and joy
in your professional life.
Reflecting on your vocation and finding your ultimate aim in life without knowing your deepest self is like going on a night jungle tour in Bali without a compass and torch. Even the most adventurous person might lose orientation.

Your real A.I.M. “Authentic Inner Me” is the inner compass that shows your true self and lights the way towards your reason for being.

Why should we spend our precious lives losing time and accepting our current situation if we have the potential to change it and let our own compass guide us?

Your real A.I.M. "Authentic Inner Me"

Through coaching I can help You, my dear visitor, to Free your A.I.M. “Authentic Inner Me” , through the discovery of your deepest values, desires, potential and find your real vocation or more meaning in your current job.

This will allow you to experience fulfilment, enjoyment and make the most out of yourself every day in the profession that you do!

Do not waste one more day of your precious time and let’s get started today.



  • Certifications

    - ESCP Business School
    - International Coach Academy (ICA)
    - Associate Certified Coach (ACC) at International Coaching Federation (ICF)
    - Foundations Certified Coach at Global Team Coaching Institute (GTCI)
  • 250+ hours of coaching

    - Individual
    - Group
    - Team
  • Coaching in international environment
    More than - 10 different nationalities from all 4 continents – France, UK, Hungary, Senegal, Canada, China, Singapour, India, Morocco, Netherlands, Switzerland, Taiwan, US...
  • Remote

    in three languages:
    - English,
    - French and
    - Hungarian


Barbara Busi

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