My story

Over several years I have been
feeling like a bird in a golden cage

that has the capacity and desire to fly,
but the influence of the environment, circumstances prevented me to take a step and break free. At least, that is what I thought…
Girl in a cage like a bird needs freedom
Having finished business school in Paris, I followed the recommendation of my environment and made a “reasonable” choice, started to work in consulting.
It seemed to secure finances, to provide many possibilities and to allow quick learning and professional development.
It was true except that
it was not my deepest desire.
girl wants to move forward but can't because of other people
During these 5 years I desperately tried to change my situation but felt like a bird with clipped wings. I was working nights and days without stopping and changed from one consulting company to another hoping that the situation itself might change.
Paris New York Budapest Skyline
Instead, the
and the
Besides the variety of the topics, the days became similar and I could not see the way out. I switched onto autopilot mode and completed one task and project after another.
I accepted the situation and could not even remember how it feels when you do something that you passionately
Over the days, years even, my sadness and stress level increased. I lost my faith in change and started to realize the impacts of this on my mental and physical health as I lost my inner balance.
Girl is afraid to fall but moves forward
On the edge of a serious illness and complete fatigue I felt an urgent need to take control of my life and break free.
I stopped blaming others, took the responsibility and turned towards coaching to start my self-reflection journey.
free like a bird in the sky
It made me remember that the happiest moments in my life came from the achievement of passionately desired aims and that is what I was lacking during the first 5 years of my professional life.
Coaching created more self-awareness regarding my vocation in life. I gained a new meaning and understood who I really am and what my reason for being is.
I left the consulting and
decided to live for my passion and
bring more meaning into my life by helping:
Employees, managers and teams
like You,
…to reconnect with their purpose and improve their experience & engagement.
…to find your vocation and reach professional fulfillment.
Barbara Busi Coaching - Free your A.I.M.
I truly believe that we are all here on Earth for a reason.

The World would be a more beautiful and peaceful place with more fulfilled people.

Take the chance to discover your A.I.M. (Authentic Inner Me), reconnect with your values and strengths and live a professional life that is meaningful for yourself and brings value to the society.
It would be a pleasure to partner with you through your transformational journey.
Transformational journey and freedom
Barbara Busi

Contact me